High Quality Digitizing
$ 1 per 1000 stitches
Minimum Rate - $ 10
Maximum Rate - $ 75
Fast Turnaround Times 24 hrs
Sew Outs of the digitized files
24 hrs online suppport
Free Edits, Instant Quotes
Easy Payment Methods

Thank you for visiting DollarDigitizing.com . We are a embroidery digitizing company.  We specialize in digitizing left chest, hat and jacket back logos. We employ some of the best digitizers in the digitizing industry. We also have a  in house embroidery facility which enables us to test the designs for best quality and efficient production before they are delivered to our esteemed customers.

We take great pride in 12 years of solid experience in the field of Embroidery and Digitizing. Not only do we have the best pricing in the market, but we also have the finest quality. Seeing is believing. Try us out once for free by writing to us at orders@dollardigitizing.com We accept artwork in any format.

Make sure to visit our gallery to view some of our past designs.
